What Are The Causes And Cure Of Dry Mouth And Smoker’s Breath?

According to some recent WHO stats, the present world population has some 1.1 people who smoke regularly. Despite well documented risks related to tabocco and smoking hazards, people allow themselves to fall prey to addiction to this substance and end up ruining their health. Smoking enhances the risk to many types of emphysema, cancers, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, stroke, ulcers, diabetes, coronary heart disease, and so forth. Approx. 80-90 per cent of oral cancer cases happen due to tobacco intake. Smoking is one of the most preventable reasons for premature diseases and death that causes 6 million deaths a year around the globe. There are approx. 600, 000 who suffer the impact as secondary smokers. 

So, what is smoker’s breath. When a person smokes regularly, the nicotine and tar from these cigarettes adhere to gums, cheek sides, tongue, and teeth. The chemicals present in cigarettes stay in mouth and lungs for long time leading to smoker’s breath. It is differentiated from nonsmoking-related bad breath because of severity and duration. Saliva is also another important fluid that is generated by body to keep throat, digestive system, tongue, and mouth optimally. Researches  have shown that smoking may enhance activity in salivary glands when people start smoking. The long-term use of nicotine, however, reduces salivary flow rate leading to dry mouth situation.

Also, when plaque accumulates over gum line, it hardens up and starts destroying gum and teeth tissues as a result of increased bacterial activity. This also results into gum diseases like periodontitis and gingivitis. Smoking can also lead to gum diseases that weaken the immune system of our body making it more difficult to combat impending healing and oral infections. Smokers have often been seen finding ways to treat dry mouth and smoker’s breath often. Apart from removing nicotine from one’s schedule there are a few other things that can be done in this regard. The best cure for combating smoking is to stay away from smoking and quit the habits. One can also go for high quality toothpastes and mouthwashes are effective for treatment of minor oral health problems related to nicotine addiction. The basic ingredients like sodium chlorite,  and chlorine dioxide that neutralize sulfur compounds that are more responsible for bad breath. Most of these products have natural ingredients like probiotics, green tea, and aloe vera that are as effective as for means for combating halitosis. 

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