
What Are The Causes And Cure Of Dry Mouth And Smoker’s Breath?

According to some recent WHO stats, the present world population has some 1.1 people who smoke regularly. Despite well documented risks related to tabocco and smoking hazards, people allow themselves to fall prey to addiction to this substance and end up ruining their health. Smoking enhances the risk to many types of emphysema, cancers, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, stroke, ulcers, diabetes, coronary heart disease, and so forth. Approx. 80-90 per cent of oral cancer cases happen due to tobacco intake. Smoking is one of the most preventable reasons for premature diseases and death that causes 6 million deaths a year around the globe. There are approx. 600, 000 who suffer the impact as secondary smokers.  So, what is smoker’s breath. When a person smokes regularly, the nicotine and tar from these cigarettes adhere to gums, cheek sides, tongue, and teeth. The chemicals present in cigarettes stay in mouth and lungs for long time leading to smoker’s breath. It is diffe

Seven Great Ways To Get Rid Of Nicotine Stains On Lips

Like all other addictions, smoking also takes a toll over human body, not only does it accelerates the process of aging but also leads to discoloration of teeth and wrinkles, bad hair, and tarred skin. Nicotine breaks down the collagen present in our body and leads to ugly brown stains over lips making one most unkissable kisser in the world. The only way to retain your health and lip color is by quitting smoking. But it is not something that can happen overnight or in a fortnight. However, there are few ways using which one can   remove nicotine stains and give a more natural appearance to your lips. So, here we go: 1. You can always begin with exfoliation on weekly basis. Scrub your lips regularly and its natural appearance will be maintained without any extra costs. Of course, if you want you can always avail nicotine scrubs from market or make one at home by mixing white or brown sugar with honey and almond oil. 2. It might not be too late to start with a lipstick or lip bal